Defining Internet Marketing Strategy By Kevin Hutto

Hey there ! I hope you' re doing awesome
these days.
Internet marketers like you and me are always
concerned about the strategy we use to
market our business . It' s right that we
should. Heck, without a sensible strategy,
we' ll be like driftwood , just floating along,
bumping on rocks and getting hopelessly
stuck. Your strategy is the roadmap of your
business. It answers the question : How far do
I want this baby to go?
Strategy is not your marketing . It 's over and
above it . Saying that a particular method you
use to get customers to buy your product is
your strategy limits it. That' s just one part of
the entire caboodle. Kinda like saying the
keyboard is your laptop. Your strategy
includes that and the purpose or value that
governs your business. Getting kick ass
earnings while helping as many as you can
with your product , for example , is your
reason for being. Any and all action geared
towards attaining that- an all-out advertising
campaign, direct marketing , email marketing,
phone marketing, promos and any all sorts of
lead generation campaigns - are tactics that
must be employed in conjunction with your
overall purpose. They compose your overall
There is no one "perfect " strategy. It doesn 't
exist. Strategy, by its very nature , isn 't rigid.
It' s flexible and ready to be overhauled and
reinvented every time it ceases to work . Like
any form of business that has to evolve with
the times in order to remain competitive, your
strategy must also be constantly evaluated to
see if it is performing as it should . In other
words, it must be measurable. If you have
crafted a two years strategy for your biz , and
three months in the running you find that it 's
not working for you, then you've got to be
able to change it . If you' ve set your strategy in
stone by burying your ass in some long -term
legal deal with your suppliers , for example,
you're in deep shit .
To make strategy-setting easier , you' ve got to
work with information you have available . I'm
not just talking about the volume of traffic you
generate, click through rates or conversion
rates, although they make up a huge bulk of
that. When I say information, you also have to
know at the outset how important a client is
to your business and how often you want
him or her to keep coming back for more
purchases. Any strategy you follow should
also take that in consideration .
That's why there 's no " perfect " strategy. The
type of venture you have , your purpose , the
figures as well as any other factors you take in
consideration, define your own strategy . You
can 't blindly follow any one strategy used by
other successful companies cover -to- cover
just because it worked for them . You 've got to
study it and compare if it' s going to work with
yours. If it needs to be tweaked a little to suit
your needs , then by all means do so.
Take these into consideration before crafting
any strategy for your biz . Then formulate one
that rocks !
To YOUR Success,
Kevin Hutto
If you would like to learn more about
Starting a Successful Internet Marketing
business , then go to my site http ://
www .MyOnlineBlueprint. com to get my
free report called "A Simple Blueprint
For Starting An Online Business " .

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