Lima Negara Termiskin Didunia

Berikut ini adalah daftar 5 negara termiskin di dunia.. Cek it out ^_^.
1. Republik Kongo
Kongo Menempati posisi nomor satu paling
miskin di dunia. Pendapatan per kapita
penduduk Kongo hanya sebesar US$ 342 atau
Rp3 juta per tahun.
Tingkat PDB Kongo sebesar US$ 10, 7 miliar pada
2008 dengan mengandalkan perekonomian pada
sektor pertanian , seperti kopi produk kayu , serta
sumber alam seperti permata , emas dan minyak .
Terletak di benua Afrika, Kongo memiliki wilayah
342 ribu kilometer persegi dengan jumlah
penduduk hanya 3 ,7 juta jiwa. Jumlah penduduk
hidup dalam kemiskinan sebanyak 74 persen
dengan usia harapan hidup 55 tahun."
miskin: "
2. Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe merupakan negara paling miskin
kedua di dunia. Tingkat pendapatan per kapita
penduduk Zimbabwe sebesar US $365 atau
Rp3 ,28 juta per tahun . Perekonomian negara di
benua Afrika ini mengandalkan pertanian seperti
kapas, tembakau dan pertambangan seperti
emas dan platinum , serta industri tekstil.
Perekonomian Zimbabwe juga sering kacau
balau. Zimbabwe merupakan satu negara
dengan catatan rekor inflasi tertinggi di dunia,
bahkan pernah mencapai 11, 2 juta persen pada
Agustus 2008 .
Zimbabwe juga dikenal sebagai negara yang
pernah mengeluarkan pecahan mata uang
terbesar di dunia, yakni 100 miliar dolar
Zimbabwe. "
miskin: "
3. Burundi
Burundi menempati urutan ketiga sebagai
negara paling miskin di dunia yang berlokasi di
Afrika. Pendapatan per kapita warga Burundi
sebesar US $410 atau Rp 3 ,69 juta per tahun.
PDB negara ini hanya US$ 1, 1 miliar pada 2008
dengan cadangan devisa cuma US$ 322 juta.
Dengan total luas 27 ribu kilometer persegi ,
jumlah populasi Burundi mencapai 8 ,1 juta jiwa .
Dari jumlah itu , sebanyak 93,4 persen penduduk
hidup dalam kondisi miskin . Usia harapan hidup
hanya 49 tahun."
miskin: "
4. Liberia
Liberia menempati posisi keempat sebagai
negara termiskin di dunia dengan pendapatan
per kapita sebesar US$ 434 atau Rp 3, 9 juta per
tahun. Total PDB negara ini sebesar US $870 juta
dan mengandalkan sebagian besar pendapatan
pada sektor pertanian , seperti karet , kopi dan
Meski luasnya 111 ribu kilometer persegi di
benua Afrika, jumlah penduduk Liberia cuma
4, 13 juta jiwa. Sebagian besar atau 94,8 persen
juga hidup dalam kemiskinan."
miskin: "
5. Eritria
Eritria merupakan negara paling miskin kelima di
dunia. Tingkat pendapatan per kapita sebesar US
$676 atau Rp 6 juta per tahun . Perekonomian
Eritria mengandalkan pada sektor pertanian,
seperti tembakau, kapas, sorgum dan ternak ,
serta sektor industri seperti tekstil, semen dan
Total PDB Eritria sebesar US $1 ,6 miliar pada
2008. Luas wilayah Eritria sebesar 117 kilometer
persegi dengan jumlah penduduk hanya 4 ,9 juta
Beebahagialah kita yg hidup di indonesia, negara berkembang tetapi tidak miskin di dunia ^_^.

EvolutioN Story

11 Januari 2009 hari dimana terbentuklah sebuah Clan di Geographical Chatzones MXit yg bernama EvolutioN, yang hanya beranggotakan 3 orang Okky"Prince", Reza"High Voltage", Aris"Assassin". kami bertiga membentuk EvolutioN di MXit untuk dapat bertukar pikiran dengan satu sama lain antar member, lama kelamaan banyak member baru dari berbagai daerah di belahan Indonesia yang ikut (I Like it ^_^), Sampai suatu ketika ada masalah dengan clan lain yang iri dengan kehadiran EvolutioN, kami semua bersatu tekad untuk membesarkan nama EvolutioN biar dikenal di seluruh MXit. Kami mulai mendapat teror" dari clan" yg tidak menginginkan keberadaan kami. Masalah itu bisa kami selesaikan meskipun lama (Perjuangan Keras ^_^). Waktu demi waktu kami lalui bersama dengan ngobrol bareng, ngerum bareng, dan ngumpul" rutin setiap waktu ^_^. Biasanya ngumpul di Techology Chatzones (Soalnya EvolutioN kn Teknologi ^_^). Setelah 1 tahun berlalu sudah mulai banyak clan" yang tidak jelas n bikin chatzones jd tidak seperti dulu. Masalah bertambah ketika para member hampir sudah tidak menggunakan MXit lagi alias Vakum. Parahnya juga hp kesayanganku juga ikutan hilang dilahap jin mungkin ya (hahaha ngaco aj aq :D) kami semua jadi jarang ol. Sekarang sudah 2 tahun sejak EvolutioN berdiri. Aku berharap semuanya bisa ol, berkumpul lagi kayak dulu, bersenang senang bersama lagi meski kami semua berasal dari berbagai daerah yang berbeda n semoga bisa ketemuan langsung ^_^ Happy 2nd Anniversary EvolutioN, Semoga Abadi selamanya ^_^

Daftar Band luar yg Manggung di Indonesia 2011

Bagi yang mau liat konser band luar, nih saya kasih info band apa saja yang mau manggung di Indonesia, tp belum tentu akurat loh, sayang band favorit ane g tercantum, tp denger" jg mau ke Indonesia ^_^..

Setelah tahun 2010 lalu panggung hiburan di
Tanah Air diramaikan dengan banyaknya musisi
mancanegara yang datang menggelar konser,
sekarang di tahun 2011 ini nampaknya situasinya
juga tidak akan jauh berbeda. Sepanjang tahun
ini, sepertinya para penggemar musik di
Indonesia, khususnya penikmat konser , kembali
akan dimanjakan.
Lihatlah. Mulai dari awal hingga mendekati
pertengahan tahun ini saja, sudah lumayan
banyak artis musik mancanegara yang
dijadwalkan manggung di sini . Siapa saja? Saya
mencoba merangkumnya berdasarkan jadwal
penampilan mereka di sini mulai Januari sampai
Mei 2011 .
1. Secondhand Serenade: 8 Januari 2011
(Sabuga, Bandung ), 9 Januari 2011 (Gramedia
Expo , Surabaya) .
Setelah manggung di Jakarta pada 2009 lalu ,
sekarang giliran Bandung dan Surabaya
disinggahi band yang dimotori John Vesely ini.
Harga tiket di dua kota ditetapkan sama oleh
Nada Promotama, promotornya. Yaitu, 250 ribu
2. N .E .R .D : 10 Januari 2011 (Istora Senayan ,
Jakarta) .
Suka musik hip hop? Konser N. E. R .D (No -one
Ever Really Dies) yang diadakan oleh Blade
Indonesia ini bisa jadi pilihan di awal tahun. RAN
dan S .O .B dijadwalkan jadi pembuka konser dari
kelompok yang terdiri dari Pharrell Williams, Chad
Hugo , dan Shay Haley itu. Tiketnya dijual seharga
475 – 575 ribu rupiah (harga normal ).
3. Four Year Strong dan Set Your Goals: 19
Januari 2011 (Tennis Indoor Senayan , Jakarta ) .
Bagi yang doyan dengan musik kombinasi antara
punk dan hardcore , silakan bersiap menonton
konser dua band asal Amerika yang didatangkan
oleh Java Musikindo ini. Tiket masuknya berkisar
350 – 400 ribu rupiah.
4. NE -YO : 22 Januari 2011 (Istora Senayan,
Jakarta) .
Asal tahu saja, rencananya Maliq & D 'Essentials,
Ello , dan Soul Vibe akan menjadi pembuka
konser penyanyi Amerika bernama asli Shaffer
Chimere Smith Jr ini . Oleh SentraLive !,
promotornya, tiketnya dijual mulai Rp 700 . 000 ,-
hingga Rp 1. 250 .000 ,-
5. Rick Price : 7 Februari 2011 ( Balai Sarbini,
Ada yang masih ingat dengan penyanyi asal
Australia yang dulu sempat ngetop di Indonesia
pada era 90an dengan tembang macam Heaven
Knows dan If You Were My Baby ini? Asal tidak
keberatan dengan harga tiketnya yang mulai dari
500 ribu rupiah, mari bernostalgia dengan
kedatangan Rick Price kali ini.
6. Deftones : 8 Februari 2011 ( Tennis Indoor
Senayan, Jakarta )
Untuk menyaksikan aksi panggung band rock
yang dibentuk pada 1988 ini, pihak promotor
(Java Musikindo) menjual tiketnya seharga 450 –
500 ribu rupiah ( harga normal ) . Oh ya, tahun
lalu album Diamond Eyes (2010 ) dinobatkan
sebagai “ Rock Album of the Year” oleh iTunes
Store .
7. Iron Maiden: 17 Februari 2011 (Stadion Utama
Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta) , 20 Februari 2011
(Garuda Wisnu Kencana , Bali ) .
Iron Maiden akhirnya mau juga menggelar
konser di Indonesia dalam rangkaian Frontier
World Tour 2011 . Bahkan di dua lokasi sekaligus ,
Jakarta dan Bali . Oleh promotor Original
Production yang berhasil memikat grup musik
heavy metal legendaris asal Inggris itu, tiketnya
dijual dengan harga bervariasi. Untuk konser di
Jakarta, dimulai dari harga 250 ribu rupiah .
Sedangkan yang di Bali , sebelum 1 Februari
2011, bisa dibeli seharga 350 – 550 ribu rupiah .
8. Bring Me The Horizon: 19 Februari 2011
(Tennis Indoor Senayan , Jakarta ).
Suka dengan grup musik metalcore asal Inggris
ini? Tiketnya bisa didapatkan dengan harga Rp
325 .000 ,- (tribun ) dan Rp 375 .000 ,- (festival ).
9. We The Kings , Never Shout Never, dan I See
Stars: 22 Februari 2011 ; New Found Glory dan
The Starting Line : 23 Februari 2011 (Tennis
Indoor Senayan, Jakarta ).
Untuk menyaksikan penampilan sederet
penampil utama acara musik tahunan Jakarta
Jam! ’11 yang digelar Java Musikindo selama dua
hari ini, penonton bisa membeli tiketnya seharga
325 – 375 ribu rupiah per hari.
10. Santana, Fourplay, Corinne Bailey Rae, dan
Acoustic Alchemy: 4 Maret 2011 ; Santana dan
George Benson: 5 Maret 2011 ; George Benson,
Fourplay, Kenny Loggins: 6 Maret 2011 (JIExpo
Kemayoran, Jakarta) .
Nama-nama di atas itu hanyalah sejumlah artis
musik kondang yang akan tampil di Jakarta
International Java Jazz Festival 2011 yang akan
berlangsung selama tiga hari, 4 – 6 Maret 2011 .
Masih ada puluhan nama lainnya , bahkan
ratusan jika termasuk musisi dari Indonesia
sendiri. Sempat ada kabar bahwa David Foster
juga akan hadir di festival jazz tahunan bikinan
Java Festival Production itu dengan mengajak
Phillip Bailey, salah seorang anggota Earth, Wind
& Fire . Semoga kabar tersebut jadi kenyataan.
11. Stone Temple Pilots : 13 Maret 2011 (Carnaval
Beach Ancol, Jakarta ).
Sebagai salah satu grup musik rock yang paling
ditunggu kehadirannya di Indonesia selama ini,
akhirnya Stone Temple Pilots bisa dipastikan
datang juga lewat promotor Java Musikindo.
Silakan buru tiketnya dengan harga presale yang
dipatok di bawah 500 ribu rupiah atau harus
membelinya pada harga normal Rp 600 . 000 ,-
12. Jimmy Eat World : 3 April 2011 (Tennis Indoor
Senayan, Jakarta ).
Untuk tiket pertunjukan grup musik rock asal
Arizona, Amerika ini, pihak promotor Java
Musikindo menetapkan di kisaran 400 – 450 ribu
(harga normal ).
13. Justin Bieber: 23 April 2011 ( Sentul
International Convention Center, Bogor).
Sepertinya masih banyak yang ragu Justin Bieber
akan menggelar konser di Indonesia pada tahun
2011 ini, tapi promotor Marygops Studios sudah
memastikan akan mendatangkannya pada bulan
April mendatang. Melihat banyaknya penggemar
Justin Bieber di sini , asalkan harganya tidak
terlalu tinggi , tiketnya bisa dipastikan bakal laris
manis. Apalagi untuk turnya di kawasan Asia dan
sekitarnya kali ini, Jakarta menjadi tujuan
pertama baru kemudian Australia , Filipina, dan
Singapura. Tapi hingga tulisan ini selesai
dikerjakan, harga tiket belum diumumkan oleh
pihak promotor. Katanya sih pengumumannya
akan dilakukan pada Januari ini . Bersiaplah .
14. Maroon 5 : 27 April 2011 (Istora Senayan,
Jakarta) .
Ini mungkin terbilang konser musik
mancanegara paling fenomenal di Indonesia
untuk tahun 2011. Pasalnya , tiket yang normalnya
seharga 600 – 800 ribu rupiah sudah langsung
habis terjual (sold out ) dalam waktu 10 jam sejak
loket penjualan tiketnya dibuka pada awal
Desember 2010 lalu . Bagi mereka yang kehabisan
tiket untuk menonton aksi Adam Levine dan
rekannya , sepertinya hanya bisa berharap dari
kuis berhadiah yang secara berkala diadakan
pihak promotor Java Musikindo lewat akun
Twitter mereka. Berniat beli di calo? Berhati -
15. A Rocket to the Moon, Hey Monday , dan The
Downtown Fiction : 14 Mei 2011 (Tennis Indoor
Senayan, Jakarta ).
Hingga kini , Java Musikindo sebagai promotor
belum memberi informasi soal harga tiketnya.

Kode Game Shark Harvest Moon Back to Nature

Teman teman, kemarin saya sudah posting ISO ama Emulator ePsxe untuk Playstation Generasi Pertama :D, Sekarang saya akan posting Kode Game Shark Harvest Moon Back to Nature..
Cek it Out ^_^..

Infinite Lumber 80070D 38 03E 7
Maximum Cash 80071 a5 ce0 ff
80071a5 e 05f 5
Have Maximum Rucksack Storage
80071A 1E 0002
400 % Level for Tools
80071A 40 FFFF
80071A 42 FFFF
80071A 44 FFFF
80071A 46 FFFF
80071A 48 FFFF
All Items Shipped
800711C 4 03 E7
800711C 6 03 E7
800711C 8 03 E7
800711CA 03 E7
800711CC 03 E7
800711CE 03E 7
800711D 0 03 E7
800711D 2 03 E7
800711D 4 03 E7
800711D 6 03 E7
800711D 8 03 E7
800711DA 03 E7
800711DC 03 E7
800711DE 03 E7
800711E 0 03E 7
800711E 2 03E 7
800711E 4 03E 7
800711E 6 03E 7
800711E 8 03E 7
800711EA 03E 7
800711EC 03E 7
Change Season
80070cf 200 xx
Replace the two xx 's with. ..00- Spring, 01- Summer,
02-Fall , 03-Winter
Watering Can Always Full 80071a 880064
Stop Timer
80070cf 80000
Change Day 80070cf 600 xx
Replace the two xx 's with. ..00- Sunday, 01 -Monday ,
02-Tuesday , 03 -Wednesday, 04- Thursday, 05-
Friday, 06 -Saturday
Change Date 80070cf 400 xx
Replace xx with: 0 – 1- 30
Item Modifier
80070ec200 xx
80070ec800 xx
80070ece 00xx
80070ed400 xx
80070ee000 xx
80070ee600 xx
80070eec 00xx
80070ef200 xx
80070ef800 xx
80070efe00 xx
80070f0400 xx
80070f0 a 00xx
80070f1000 xx
80070f1600 xx
80070f1 c00 xx
80070f2200 xx
80070f2800 xx
80070f2 e 00xx
80070f3400 xx
80070f3 a 00xx
80070f4000 xx
80070f4600 xx
80070f4 a 00xx
Slots are inorder from 1 thru 24 . Replace xx with :
05-Mystrile Sickle ,
09-Golden Hoe,
14-Mystrile Hammer,
19-Mystrile Watering Can,
0a -Mystrile Hoe,
0f -Mystrile Axe,
1a -Milker ,
1b -Clippers ,
1c -Brush,
1d -Bell ,
1e -Animal Medicine ,
1f -Cow Miracle Potion,
20-Sheep Miracle Potion ,
21-Blue Feather,
22-Turnip Seeds,
23-Potato Seeds,
24-Cucumber Seeds,
25-Strawberry Seeds ,
26-Cabbage Seeds ,
27-Tomato Seeds,
28-Corn Seeds,
29-Onion Seeds,
2a -Pumpkin Seeds ,
2b -Pineapple Seeds,
2c -Eggplant Seeds,
2d -Carrot Seeds,
2e -Sweet Potato Seeds,
2f -Spinach Seeds,
30-Green Pepper Seeds,
31-Moondrop Seeds ,
32-Pink Cat Seeds,
33-Magic Red Seeds,
34-Toy Flower Seeds ,
35-Orange Cup Seeds,
36-Grass Seeds,
38-Fishing Rod ,
39-Fishing Pole

Cara gunain itu Game Shark tinggal dimasukin ke Emulator ePsxe terus nikmatin deh Effect dari Game Shark tersebut, semoga membantu ^_^..

Harvest Moon Back To Nature ISO

Teman teman pasti sudah tau game yang satu ini bukan ??
ya bener game ini adalah Harvest Moon Back To Nature, ini merupakan salah satu dari beberapa games favoritku yang aku mainkan pada Playstation generasi pertama ^.^.

Fenomena Pelangi Mengelilingi Matahari 04-01-2011

Pada hari ini pukul 11.00 WIB, penduduk kota jogjakarta di gemparkan oleh fenomena langka ini..
Banyak pegawai dan orang kantoran menyempatkan diri keluar untuk menyaksikan fenomena aneh tersebut.
"Menurut Bambang Setiahadi , peneliti dari
Stasiun Pengamatan Matahari Watukosek yang
tercakup dalam Stasiun Pengamatan Dirgantara
Lapan di Watukosek, Jawa Timur, halo yang
terlihat melingkari Matahari tersebut sebenarnya
merupakan hasil pembelokan cahaya Matahari
oleh partikel uap air di atmosfer .
"Jadi, pada musim hujan ini partikel uap air ada
yang naik hingga tinggi sekali di atmosfer . Partikel
air memiliki kemampuan untuk membelokkan
atau membiaskan cahaya Matahari ," papar
Bambang saat dihubungi Selasa petang .
Karena terjadi pada siang hari, saat posisi
Matahari sedang tegak lurus terhadap Bumi ,
maka cahaya yang dibelokkan juga lebih kecil.
"Itu sebabnya yang tampak di mata masyarakat
yang kebetulan menyaksikannya adalah lingkaran
gelap di sekeliling Matahari, " tambahnya .
Fenomena itu sebenarnya sama saja dengan
proses terbentuknya pelangi pada pagi atau sore
hari setelah hujan. Menurut Bambang,
lengkungan pelangi sering terlihat di bagian
bawah cakrawala karena partikel uap air yang
membelokkan cahaya Matahari berkumpul di
bagian bawah atmosfer . Di sisi lain , pada pagi
atau sore hari Matahari pun masih berada pada
sudut yang rendah .
Pada siang hari, saat Matahari pada posisi tegak
lurus terhadap Bumi , kemampuan pembelokan
cahaya menjadi rendah sehingga warna yang
terlihat sangat terbatas. "Warnanya terlihat gelap
karena pandangan ke arah Matahari juga
terhalang debu . Kalau pada pagi hari, saat udara
masih bersih , yang tampak adalah warna
kemerahan," kata Bambang .
Tidak mengherankan bila fenomena halo ini juga
hanya terlihat pada siang hari, sekitar pukul
12.00 -1300 . Selain itu, sama seperti pelangi ,
fenomena halo juga hanya bisa disaksikan pada
musim hujan.
"Nanti setelah musim hujan berakhir , tak ada lagi
halo maupun pelangi . Soalnya, di atmosfer
sudah tidak ada lagi uap air ," ujarnya."

Global Warming dan Pencegahannya

Mulai Januari 2011 ini setiap hari hujan, Siangnya panas tetapi sorenya hujan, ini nih yg bikin gw dongkol >.<.
Begini ceritanya kenapa gw dongkol ama hujan tiap sore, Setiap bangun tidur gw selalu mandi pake air yg dingin, itu yg bikin tubuh gw jd gede daya tahan terhadap penyakit (wkwkwk ngaco nih gw). Mulai menjelang siang kn gw biasanya di sekolah pake baju seragam yang dobel" makanya tiap siang ko gw serasa kyk dipanggang (mana panas, banyak polusi ama tempat nongkrongnya juga panas >.<).
Sore hari adalah yg gw tunggu" cz kegiatan enak dilakuin pas sore hari (maen, koar" sana sini, nyanyi, de.el.el ^_^).
Lha ko pas sore yg ditunggu malah hujan :mewek, beginilah efek global warming. Siamg panas malem hujan, jd g bisa kencing deh lug adem panas adem panas >.<.
Nah untuk memperkecil efek dari global warming dibumi kita, sebaiknya kita berhemat tentang segala sesuatu. Dengan kita hemat, kita dapat mengurangi efek dari global warming. Contohnya : matikan lampu pada saat tidak digunakan, tanam pohon" untuk penghijauan ( untuk yang 1 Ini jangan hemat nanem pohonnya ^_^, tanem aja tumbuhan hijau ). N habisi kecoa yang ada disekitarmu trz bakar sampe ga bersisa cz kecoa it juga menimbulkan global warming 20% dibumi kita.

Berhemat yah kawan" biar bumi kita bisa bertahan lebih lama ^_^

2011 Tak ada ujian ulang!!!

Dalam Ujian Nasional 2011 terdapat beberapa perubahan yaitu tidak adanya ujian ulang (ngeri bagi ane :( ). Bagi yg tidak lulus bisa mengikuti Ujian Paket C buat SMA ( agak lega deh :D, moga kita semua lulus ^_^ ).

Hasil dari ujian paket C tersebut masih isa di pakai buat daftar ke Perguruan Negeri kata Menteri Pendidikan Mohammad Nur (Amin Dah :D).

Perubahan yg lain, nilai UN di gabungin ama UAS ( nah yg 1 nie bkalan lbih baik, msa skolah 3 thn cmn 4 hari penentuan >,< ).

Perbandingan nilai kelulusan adalah 60% dari UN dan 40% dari UAS.

Meski kita dapat nilai 4, kita bisa lulus asalkan kita dapat nilai UAS minimal 8 (buset banyak bener :( ).

”Sebaiknya nilai ujian nasional yang diraih siswa

tidak minimal sehingga nilai ujian sekolah yang

harus dicapai siswa tidak terlalu besar untuk

meraih kelulusan,” kata Nuh.

Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Education Reform

di Universitas Paramadina Mohammad

Abduhzen menanggapi perubahan tersebut beliau berkata "Pemeritah hanya mengulang format lama dan tidak ada perubahan yang mendasar".

Abduhzen menilai , UN bukan satu- satunya cara

untuk memetakan mutu pendidikan karena hasil

belajar siswa hanya salah satu komponen

pengukur. Masih ada komponen lain , seperti

kualitas guru dan sarana belajar yang harus


Berdoa dan belajar dengan giat Semoga Kita semua lulus ya agan" ama sista" ^_^.

The Internet

The Internet
Don’t we find it irresistible? The Internet is everywhere, and it is loved and used by everyone for everything. Many of us get up in the morning, and before saying hello to anyone we live with or before even having breakfast, we sit down and use and enjoy the Internet. We get our news, receive our mail, send our letters, write to our teachers, do our shopping, arrange our lives, schedule our travels, meet new friends, review all the knowledge in the universe, and most of us do it while we are sitting in a chair looking at screen. Can life get any better? Well, there are some disadvantages mixed in with all the advantages, and sometimes it is a good idea to take a closer look at the other side of paradise. But for now, let’s just look at all the things we like to do with our new number one companion of the 21st century.

Views on Internet

Extreme Views on the Internet
People are less likely to share opposite opinions and ideas because of the Internet, or so say recent studies. It doesn’t take much time or effort to search and find sites, online newspapers and magazines, blogs, and forums which support your views, whatever they may be. For example, if you believe that global warming is hoax, then there are more than one million sites for you to browse. If you believe that the US government planned the 9/11 terrorist attacks, then there are more than seven million sites which support this notion. The possible effects on future society, government, and human relations are immense.

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One of the most popular types of high speed Wireless Mobile Broadband Internet is 3G Wireless Internet. 3G wireless Internet boasts of download speeds between 768 Kbps to 2 Mbps, while upload speeds generally are limited between 400 and 800 Kbps. 3G wireless Internet is easy to use and is also affordable. 3G mobile broadband also offers unlimited mobility of your broadband connection.

Cheap Cable Broadband Internet - By: ISP1

Broadband cable Internet has become increasingly popular nowadays because many consumers are opting for low cost fast Internet speed and at the same time want reliable Internet service 24/7. We always want high speed Internet services which are only made possible by broadband cable Internet which is up to 100 times faster than a dial-up Internet connection. Files such as pictures, video and software can be easily downloaded in just seconds or minutes. This is the reason why Broadband cable Internet access can be used for online gaming. Since broadband cable Internet offers high speed connection, it is an excellent system for the use of cheap phone services through VoIP technology. Internet speed can reach up to 15 Mbps or more depending on the type of broadband service package you purchase.

Internet History

Internet History

The Internet in the year 2009: we send emails, make calls over the Internet and discuss topics we take an interest in. Even our banking is going virtual. But what we take for granted today was only a vague idea 50 years ago. In order to understand how we got this far lets go back to 1957 when everything began. Before 1957 computers only worked on one task at a time. This is called batch processing. Of course, this was quite ineffective. With computers getting bigger and bigger they had to be stored in special cooled rooms.

Why People Shop Online – the big three reasons

Why People Shop Online – the big three reasons
• Convenience: 95 per cent of internet shoppers state at least one convenience-related reason. Convenience has many aspects. In particular, 24/7 access (cited by 83 per cent) and being able to find what you want quickly (cited by 80 per cent) indicate that the time saving aspect of online shopping is crucial. The other key aspect of convenience is that shoppers can avoid some of the disadvantages of offline shopping, such as having to carry items. For instance, 78 per cent of internet shoppers named ‘shopping in comfort’ and 64 per cent ‘avoiding crowds’ as key reasons why they shopped online. One focus group participant noted ‘I can shop in my underpants – that is pretty convenient’. Another commented: ‘You can sit back in your house… put the details in… not having to find parking spaces, not having to queue in stores and it is done!’



A huge earning is usually considered for measuring the wealth of someone. However, why do so many people with huge income frequently end up running out of money in the middle or at the end of the month? What is the problem?
If you have a job now, do you remember the first one you ever had? Usually, the first experience on work is the most unforgettable experience.
Let's take an example. Anto was still living with his family until he got a job at the age of 23, as a clerk in a trading company. At that time, he had just graduated. Although he had to go through a probationary period, Anto was so excited when he knew that he would get his first salary. His salary was Rp 600,000, which he would receive on the 27th.

Internet Marketing Simple Tips

Internet marketing can be easy, if you do it the
right way. Follow these simple Internet Marketing
tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful
campaign , more traffic and best of all , more sales !
Tip #1 - Use Your Common Sense
One of the biggest mistakes I see new Internet
marketers make is not using a little common
sense . They are so focused on what others are
telling them to do - whether it be from I.M. Forums
or blogs or even from paid consultants - that they
lose all grasp on the reality of how things actually
work .
For instance, I recently had a client who was told
on a forum that he should be concentrating on
creating original content above everything else.
Well , creating original content is definitely
important and crucial to a successful online
business , but this was ALL he was concentrating
on . He wasn ' t building links, he wasn 't marketing
any of his content, he wasn ' t optimizing his pages.
Wouldn 't a little common sense tell you that there
is more to building a marketing campaign than
simply writing content?!
Another good example is how some people
choose to do article marketing . They write a bunch
of crappy content and spam it out to article
directories who are dumb enough to publish it .
These directories have no backlinking power, and
any traffic that your article gets will bring you no
click throughs because the content sucks so badly .
A little common sense would tell you that
submitting an article to a few , powerful niche -
related directories would get you much better
results in backlinking , traffic and above all -
targeted , interested traffic and the resulting sales .
So listen to what other people tell you, but think
about what you are doing. Step back and look at
the overall picture and implement a little thought
and common sense. Oh , and remember that just
because someone tells you that you should be
doing something doesn' t mean that you should !
Tip #2 - Have Plenty of Patience
Another big mistake I see is that Internet marketers
fail to have enough patience to wait and see how
things are going with their current marketing
strategies . Especially when you are first starting out ,
you are going to have to exercise some serious
patience when you are waiting for your marketing
campaign to take off. This article is specifically
referring to organic search engine placement .
First of all , it takes a while to get the search engines
to pick up on your pages, and when they do, they
will "play" with your rankings for a while . When/if
you see your pages suddenly tank in the search
engine positions , there is no need to panic . Just
give it a few days and monitor the situation . If after
a few days you don't see any movement, then
tweak a couple of things and wait a little longer .
Patience and continuing to publish original content
is the key .
And when you do get some good results, let them
ride for a little while while you concentrate on your
less- performing pages. Then when you have found
that your well-performing pages have solidified in
their search engine placement , tweak them a bit
and wait to see what happens . Again, have plenty
of patience and give them time to settle .
As time goes by and the search engines spider
your site more frequently, you will begin to see
things happening a little bit faster - but you still
need to have plenty of patience and give things
time to settle down before making any decisions
on what to do next .
Tip #3 - Test, Test , Test - then test again!
As soon as most marketers realize that they are
getting a steady stream of traffic, they will commit
another huge mistake. They will simply "let it ride."
They fall into the mindset of - if it ain' t broken ,
don 't fix it .
But when you are running an Internet marketing
campaign , tweaking and testing is a major
necessity !
When you decide that it 's time to start testing your
pages , you need to be organized! If you blindly
start making changes all over the place, then when
you notice a change in your rankings, you'll have
no idea which change caused it .
This is where tip #2 above comes into play. Make
one or two changes and simply wait to see what
happens . If you don; t give it enough time , then
you could be missing out on something that could
increase the rankings of many more pages on your
website . When you see something working well, try
it on another page and see if the results are
similar .. .and if something causes a negative result,
revert back to your old page and watch to see if it
comes back . And remember tip# 2 .
These are only three of many other Internet
Marketing Tips that can help you avoid the pitfalls
that strike so many Internet Marketers, but they are
three of the most fundamental ideas that you
should put into practice.
Internet marketing can be tough when you first
start out . And it can be tough for those of us who
have been at it for a while , but if you implement
the tips you just read about, you can realize that it
really isn' t so hard to bring in enough traffic and
sales to allow you to duplicate your efforts and
continue to grow your online business.


Online Business And Merchant Accounts By: Joe Mears

When I finally reached the stage with my online
business when I needed to move to a specialist
merchant account, I was very excited . It signified to
me that I was finally living my dream of owning
and running a successful business .
What I didn 't realize is that choosing an online
merchant account was going to be so tough.
The rates that companies generally advertise on
their website are often heavily discounted ones
that either increase after introductory periods or
do not include a whole host of extras which can
take monthly costs to much higher levels .
Now , one of the reasons I was able to set up and
be successful online was down to the numbers . I
could sell cheaper on the net because my
overheads were lower. However , the extra costs
for taking credit cards really ate into my profits .
I learned my lesson quickly , when you sign up for
an Ecommerce merchant account make sure that
you only go with a company that gives you a full
consultation and breakdown of everything related
to your potential account first.
There are a lot of high pressured sales tactics used
in this industry and it can be hard not to be taken
in by them , especially the most persistent .
So to make sure you don't fall into the same traps ,
be wary of any merchant account providers that
advertise very cheap rates on their websites , and
make sure you read independent customer
reviews or feedback to get a real view of how they
do business .
To read a review of the best Online Merchant
Accounts with independent customer feedback go
to findyourmerchantaccount .com.

Source: http :// website-articles . net/ articledetail.php?
artid = 471 & catid= 424

Pay Per Click

Easy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing
Business .
PPC is one of the four basic types of Search
Engines. PPC is also one of the most cost -effective
ways of targeted internet advertising . According to
Forbes magazine, PPC or Pay Per Click, accounts to
2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase
to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2008 .
Let us take a quick look at how PPC Search Engines
work .
These engines create listings and rate them based
on a bid amount the website owner is willing to
pay for each click from that search engine .
Advertisers bid against each other to receive
higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.
The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase
will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the
PPC Search Engines followed by the second and
third highest bidder , up to the last number that
have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase .
Your ads then will appear prominently on the
results pages based on the dollar amount bid you
will agree to pay per click.
How do you make money by using PPC into your
affiliate marketing business ?
Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is
made or a lead delivered after a visitor has
clickthrough your site . Your earnings will not
always be the same as they will be dependent on
the web site content and the traffic market .
The reason why you should incorporate PPC into
your affiliate marketing program is that earnings
are easier to make than in any other kind of
affiliate program not using PPC. This way, you will
be making profit based from the clickthroughs that
your visitor will make on the advertiser ’s site .
Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale
or action .
PPC can be very resourceful of your website. With
PPC Search Engines incorporated into your affiliate
program , you will be able to profit from the
visitor’s who are not interested in your products or
services. The same ones who leave your site and
never comes back .
You will not only get commissions not only from
those who are just searching the web and finding
the products and services that they wanted but
you will be able to build your site ’s recognition as a
valuable resource . The visitors who have found
what they needed from you site are likely to come
back and review what you are offering more
closely. Then they will eventually come back to
search the web for other products .
This kind of affiliate program is also an easy way
for you to generate some more additional
revenues . For example, when a visitor on your site
does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks
on the advertiser bided listings , the advertisers ’
account will then be deducted because of that
click. With this , you will be compensated 30 % to
80% of the advertisers ’ bid amount .
PPC is not only a source of generating easy profits;
it can also help you promote your own site . Most
of the programs allow the commissions received
to be spent for advertising with them instantly and
with no minimum earning requirement . This is one
of the more effective ways to exchange your raw
visitors for targeted surfers who has more
tendencies to purchase your products and
What will happen if you when you integrate PPC
into your affiliate program ?
PPC usually have ready-to -use affiliate tools that
can be easily integrated into your website. The
most common tools are search boxes , banners,
text links and some 404 -error pages. Most search
engines utilize custom solutions and can provide
you with a white -label affiliate program . This
enables you, using only a few lines of code, to
integrate remotely -hosted co- branded search
engine into your website.
The key benefits ? Not only more money generated
but also some extra money on the side. Plus a
lifetime commissions once you have referred some
webmaster friends to the engine.
Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits
while already generating some income for your
site ? Knowing some of the more useful tools you
can use for your affiliate program is not a waste of
time. They are rather a means of earning within an
Best know more about how you can use PPC
search engines into your affiliate program than
miss out on a great opportunity to earn more


About Me

Name : Nanang Oky Prasetyo

Address : Demangan, RT 01/RW 13 Sangkrah, Pasar Kliwon, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Postal Code : 57119

Hobby : Browsing, Eating

Interest : Blogging, Music, Reading

Its my profile :D..