Internet marketing can be easy, if you do it the
right way. Follow these simple Internet Marketing
tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful
campaign , more traffic and best of all , more sales !
Tip #1 - Use Your Common Sense
One of the biggest mistakes I see new Internet
marketers make is not using a little common
sense . They are so focused on what others are
telling them to do - whether it be from I.M. Forums
or blogs or even from paid consultants - that they
lose all grasp on the reality of how things actually
work .
For instance, I recently had a client who was told
on a forum that he should be concentrating on
creating original content above everything else.
Well , creating original content is definitely
important and crucial to a successful online
business , but this was ALL he was concentrating
on . He wasn ' t building links, he wasn 't marketing
any of his content, he wasn ' t optimizing his pages.
Wouldn 't a little common sense tell you that there
is more to building a marketing campaign than
simply writing content?!
Another good example is how some people
choose to do article marketing . They write a bunch
of crappy content and spam it out to article
directories who are dumb enough to publish it .
These directories have no backlinking power, and
any traffic that your article gets will bring you no
click throughs because the content sucks so badly .
A little common sense would tell you that
submitting an article to a few , powerful niche -
related directories would get you much better
results in backlinking , traffic and above all -
targeted , interested traffic and the resulting sales .
So listen to what other people tell you, but think
about what you are doing. Step back and look at
the overall picture and implement a little thought
and common sense. Oh , and remember that just
because someone tells you that you should be
doing something doesn' t mean that you should !
Tip #2 - Have Plenty of Patience
Another big mistake I see is that Internet marketers
fail to have enough patience to wait and see how
things are going with their current marketing
strategies . Especially when you are first starting out ,
you are going to have to exercise some serious
patience when you are waiting for your marketing
campaign to take off. This article is specifically
referring to organic search engine placement .
First of all , it takes a while to get the search engines
to pick up on your pages, and when they do, they
will "play" with your rankings for a while . When/if
you see your pages suddenly tank in the search
engine positions , there is no need to panic . Just
give it a few days and monitor the situation . If after
a few days you don't see any movement, then
tweak a couple of things and wait a little longer .
Patience and continuing to publish original content
is the key .
And when you do get some good results, let them
ride for a little while while you concentrate on your
less- performing pages. Then when you have found
that your well-performing pages have solidified in
their search engine placement , tweak them a bit
and wait to see what happens . Again, have plenty
of patience and give them time to settle .
As time goes by and the search engines spider
your site more frequently, you will begin to see
things happening a little bit faster - but you still
need to have plenty of patience and give things
time to settle down before making any decisions
on what to do next .
Tip #3 - Test, Test , Test - then test again!
As soon as most marketers realize that they are
getting a steady stream of traffic, they will commit
another huge mistake. They will simply "let it ride."
They fall into the mindset of - if it ain' t broken ,
don 't fix it .
But when you are running an Internet marketing
campaign , tweaking and testing is a major
necessity !
When you decide that it 's time to start testing your
pages , you need to be organized! If you blindly
start making changes all over the place, then when
you notice a change in your rankings, you'll have
no idea which change caused it .
This is where tip #2 above comes into play. Make
one or two changes and simply wait to see what
happens . If you don; t give it enough time , then
you could be missing out on something that could
increase the rankings of many more pages on your
website . When you see something working well, try
it on another page and see if the results are
similar .. .and if something causes a negative result,
revert back to your old page and watch to see if it
comes back . And remember tip# 2 .
These are only three of many other Internet
Marketing Tips that can help you avoid the pitfalls
that strike so many Internet Marketers, but they are
three of the most fundamental ideas that you
should put into practice.
Internet marketing can be tough when you first
start out . And it can be tough for those of us who
have been at it for a while , but if you implement
the tips you just read about, you can realize that it
really isn' t so hard to bring in enough traffic and
sales to allow you to duplicate your efforts and
continue to grow your online business.
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